Ayurvedic herbs to boost Immunity

How to Boost Immunity Power in the Body Naturally to help you fight against infections

You must have heard the thing “Health is wealth”. It is very true in this world and is very important to have good immunity in your body. Exercising, having an active lifestyle, adequate sun exposure, appropriate treatments and emotional well-being helps to cleanse the mind and spiritresulting in a healthy mind and glowing skin.

Reasons for infection to spread

The transition of seasons from the hot and cold makes everyone susceptible to infections because the body changes as per the climate. According to the theory of immunity in Ayurveda, this seasonal change is called the beej-bhumi theory which means “seed and land”. This theory explains that if the body is piled up with Ama (toxins) and lacks Ojas (vigour) then the body serves as a fertile place for infections to spread, similar to that which is fertile to sprout seeds.


Ayurveda is considered as the best way to improve digestion and increase appetite and immunity. As per Ayurveda, strong immunity is a result of better digestion, metabolism (agni), healthy liver functioning and a balanced hormonal function. This is the well known natural immunity booster for staying healthy and fit without having any fear of getting any kind of allergy. Let us understand more about it.

What is Ayurveda?

The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. It offers extensive therapies and remedies for the young, old, sick, healthy, and everyone in between. So what does this ancient art of healing do to your body? Well, this ancient art of healing helps your body to stay vital by making the person realise their full body potential.

How do Ayurveda Work

Every human is characterized by the mind-body type. In Ayurveda, these primary qualities that govern the body are called “doshas.”

Like traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements of nature – water, earth, fire, space, and air make up for a combination in the three primary doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. When these doshas are perfectly balanced, the state of being is healthy. When they fall out of balance through dehydration, anxiety, stress, low energy or excessive exertion, the person is propelled into a state of “vikruti” – an imbalanced state of body and mind.

Ayurveda brings health and keeping the doshas in balance. Overall, it aims at holistically maintaining and improving general health no matter what age you are.

Here are some of the primary benefits that one can achieve with consistent use of Ayurveda.

  1. Weight Loss and Maintenance
  2. Healthy and Glowing Skin as well as Hair
  3. Goodbye to Stress
  4. Reduces Inflammation
  5. Cleanses the Body
  6. Lowers Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Symptoms of Illness and Diseases

There are a whole lot of holistic ayurvedic formulations available that can cleanse the Ama, provide nourishment, lubricate and reinstate the balance. This process bolsters immunity and shields the body against infections.

Ayurvedic formulations are available in capsules, tablets, tonics and supplements possessing immune-boosting properties which can be taken to promote overall health and well-being.

Here we bring you a list of top Ayurvedic immune boosters that work remarkably well in triggering the immune system.

Many people follow this science of Ayurveda throughout the world and the results show tremendous impact on one’s life, hence adding value in our day to day life by learning some more things about this wonderful treatment.